
Ross Perot

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In response to “Perot Takes Shots at Economic Proposal,” March 3:

Ross Perot was invited to speak, at his own expense, at the Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress to reform Congress. During the 2 1/2-hour session Perot spoke for a large number of American people and was treated with respect by all members, except one.

The four paragraphs your article dedicated to Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) attack on Perot is a distortion of what took place. Reid should resign from this committee as unqualified. Sen. Reid accused Perot of not having the facts. Perot’s response that was left out of the article was cheered and applauded by the audience. Perot asked the senator twice, “Isn’t it true that Congress in 1992 spent $1.83 for every $1 it took in?” Reid finally answered yes. Perot rested his case.

Thank God for Ross Perot and United We Stand America.


Laguna Hills
