
Youth / OPINION : Public Versus Private Schools: ‘Great Things Come Out of Both’ : WAIYI TSE; Senior, 18, Santa Ana Valley High School

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Compiled for The Times by Erik Hamilton

During my elementary and middle school years, the public education I received was as good, if not better, than the ones some of my friends were receiving in their private schools. That changed once I got to high school. Although most of my teachers were excellent instructors, even the best of them could not cope with the budget cuts facing California schools. Being enrolled in honor and AP (advanced placement) courses did not help matters.

Class sizes ranged between 30 and 40 students, with few exceptions. In classes this large, the teachers did not have the time to give every student the individual attention each of us needed. With public schools the way they are today, I as a student would definitely prefer to attend a private school.
