
AND ONE MORE THING: The leading candidate...


AND ONE MORE THING: The leading candidate for the most sensationalistic song title of the year: “Kill White Cops,” a new, independently released single by a Sherman Oaks act calling itself M-1 Assault. It’s also the most intentionally misleading--the song is not actually the bloody rampage the title suggests, but a mocking challenge to those who fear that the likes of Ice-T’s “Cop Killer” could encourage violence against law officers.

“I know that the media and certain alarmists like to pounce on things and twist them out of context without listening to them and I’m counting on that to get free publicity,” says the song’s producer and performer, who goes by the name Mr. Fabulous. “I’m counting on people’s ignorance of the song.”

So far it seems to be working. K-Disc, the Hollywood record mastering firm, refused to handle the song, based on the title and first verse, which Mr. Fabulous says was intentionally “inflammatory.” K-Disc returned the tape and a deposit with a terse letter stating that “the message of this selection is unacceptable for us to be involved with in any form.”


Perfect, says Fabulous. “I hold nothing against them,” he says. “They were just doing what they do, and I get that cute letter to send out, making for a more interesting press release.”
