
‘Rape’ Music Unacceptable

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As a feminist, the manager of a 24-hour sexual assault hot line and, most importantly, the mother of a female teen-ager, I’d like to call your attention to the music review regarding the band “The Mentors,” (Ventura County Life, March 18).

Comparing rape music to rap music is naive and dangerous and indicates to me that the level of ignorance is out of control in our community.

One in three women in this county will be raped in her lifetime. Rape is not consensual sex. Most rape victims submit to this kind of sex because it’s the only way out, fearing for life itself. It is not a pleasurable experience. The pain of rape colors all future relationships and how people perceive themselves and the world around them.


I would like to urge everyone to search their conscience and be curious about how our community got to a place of acceptance, promoting rape music. I for one am frustrated and tired of these repulsive and degrading messages regarding rape. And, while working with rape victims is personally rewarding and incredibly powerful, the psychological cleanup and the aftermath can be tortuous.

This is not OK--the buck stops here, with me, my home, my community.


