
District Should Use, Not Sell, Schools


How can the Tustin Unified School District consider selling the Red Hill and Guinn Foss schools (“District Must Decide Fate of Surplus Sites,” April 16) at a time when the city of Tustin is discussing the problems with the Mello-Roos special tax district in East Tustin?

The Mello-Roos assessment on new homes in East Tustin was created to pay for new schools, and that additional cost, added to the mortgage and taxes, has made the sale of new homes in that area increasingly difficult. It has been suggested by a Tustin City Council member that the school district give up the Mello-Roos assessment and the entire school district pay for additional schools in the Mello-Roos area. Further, it was suggested that the proposed high school site in East Tustin be released and students bused to Foothill and Tustin high schools. (Naturally, the school district will increase class facilities to accommodate the influx.)

How can the Tustin Unified School District consider selling any of the old school sites? It clearly makes sense to use these existing school sites that we own rather than buy land and construct new schools.


The new property owners in East Tustin would have a lower assessment, and those homes would be financially competitive with other new housing on the market. The Red Hill, Tustin Memorial Elementary and Marjorie Veeh Elementary schools would become the neighborhood schools for East Tustin. Neighborhood schools are not necessarily within walking distance from your front door.

As the population of East Tustin grows, additional classrooms and student facilities will be needed at Tustin High, and the extension at Lambert School will be needed to accommodate this growth.


Santa Ana
