
Ferraro on Woo


As if there isn’t enough name-calling around City Hall, now The Times is putting derogatory words in my mouth.

In “Powerful Council Ready to Test New Mayor’s Mettle” (May 3), The Times quotes me as calling my colleague Michael Woo, “little Mike.” I don’t recall ever referring to Woo in this way before, nor can your reporters cite a specific occasion when this term was used. In addition, I take issue with the inference that I bully the councilman from the 13th District.

Admittedly, there is a lot of banter around the council chamber among all members of the council. And I have, in fact, chided Woo for frequently arriving late or missing meetings altogether. My criticism is not reserved for Woo alone, however. As council president, it is my responsibility to impress upon all council members the importance of attending and starting meetings on time. This is absolutely necessary if we hope to address each day’s list of agenda items.


In fact, I think if you asked them, each and every council member could recount an occasion or two when they’ve been chastised by me for a late or missed appearance in chambers.

While my leadership style may be interpreted as gruff by some, I do not appreciate being portrayed as a bully. I am not.

JOHN FERRARO, President, Los Angeles City Council
