
Cult Phenomena


Grandiose delusions of being God or God’s disciple, which afflicted David Koresh, is a psychiatric illness. Also suffering from psychiatric illness are those people who will submit to, and are gratified by, domination of a powerful leader. This submission allows for coercion, increasing abuse by the leader and sometimes, as in Waco, has a lethal outcome.

Forgotten in the commentary about cult phenomena is that psychiatric illness is a stepchild of our culture. It frightens us and is stigmatized and vilified. Sadly, until we accept and pay for research and treatment for the 20% of our brethren afflicted with psychiatric illness, these tragic phenomena will continue to occur and to baffle us. Our media must help us take responsibility for understanding and funding these illnesses. Instead of looking for the culprit and blaming others for these tragedies it is time for us to invest our energies and our money understanding, accepting and treating mental illness.


Los Angeles
