
Breaking Up L.A. School District


In response to your articles regarding the drive to dismantle the Los Angeles Unified School District, May 16-19:

I am a former teacher. My wife is a former teacher. My mother-in-law is a former teacher. It is safe to say that our collective experiences provide us insight into the current educational crisis. Stated briefly, we agree with the thousands of parents who know intuitively that the L.A. Unified School District is too large to be effective.

It is unresponsive to the needs of teachers and staff as well as students and their parents. Charges by critics that the movement to improve our children’s education is elitist and/or racist is simply politics at its ugliest. It is a question of power. Those who run the LAUSD do not want to lose their power and the salaries that go with it. The bottom line is that parents are ultimately responsible for the education of their children. It is time that parents take back control of the educational system that will ultimately shape their children’s future.


RICHARD GRANT, Santa Clarita
