
Peter Ueberroth

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The Los Angeles Section of the American Planning Assn. is troubled by the resignation of Peter Ueberroth from Rebuild L.A. (May 22). We don’t know anything about the internal struggles of RLA; we do not participate in that organization. What we do know is that Los Angeles is being restructured, both demographically and economically, in ways never before experienced; the future is fraught with danger.

We also know that the components to deal with that danger were starting to take shape, many catalyzed by the unrest of last year: New hope for funding was coming out of Washington; a new approach to cooperation and communication was coming from the key departments in Los Angeles City Hall; new community organizing efforts were evolving through the work of the Coalition of Neighborhood Developers and the Coalition of Design Professionals; and one effort (RLA) was trying to raise the level of social responsibility and involvement of corporate America.

It is naive and somewhat dangerous to believe that the solutions for Los Angeles can be developed by one of those components at the expense of one or more of the others. The solutions will require the participation of all key sectors: the neighbors, private corporations and government. More importantly, a cooperative, cohesive strategy among those sectors is paramount.


Our fear is that we are losing a rare window of opportunity created by the spirit of compassion and momentum forged by the fires of 1992. We fear we are becoming mired in indecision.

Our hope is that the resignation of Ueberroth is not symbolic of dwindling momentum, but rather a changing of the guard to strengthen that momentum. Fulfilling that hope will require renewed effort by all of us.


Director, Los Angeles Section

American Planning Assn.
