
Chinese Boat People


* I am a 14-year-old student concerned with the Chinese people spending a great amount of hard-earned money in desperation to come to America to seek a better life. I can accept some of the reasons why the United States is rejecting them, but c’mon, America, what happened to our “melting pot” that our country supposedly has? What’s so wrong with these people that makes them not welcome in our country? I believe they deserve the chance to be here, considering the large amount of money they paid.


Mission Viejo

* In response to “Honor the Flight to Freedom,” Commentary, July 21:

People like Chingchih Yiling Wong just don’t get it. If we would have let those three boatloads of illegal Chinese immigrants into this country, more and more would follow. Don’t people realize that this country cannot take everybody in who wants to come here? Who is going to pay for them? We have already more than enough illegal aliens and so far nothing is being done about it. We, as taxpayers, are sick and tired of paying for people that come here and break the law. Our government is in deep financial trouble and we just cannot and should not take in more immigrants; especially illegals. We should change our asylum laws and should have “selective” immigration to allow more professional people in.


