
State Health Director Resigns

From Times Wire Services

Dr. Molly Coye, who has served as state director of public health for 27 months, announced her resignation effective Sept. 20 to become vice president of a San Jose-based health organization.

Coye, 45, was director of public health at Johns Hopkins University before Gov. Pete Wilson named her to head the 4,600-employee state agency, which provides $16 billion annually in Medi-Cal and other health services to an estimated 6 million Californians.

Coye will become senior vice president for health systems development at Health Dimensions Inc., a nonprofit multi-hospital health system.


In accepting Coye’s resignation, Wilson praised her as “instrumental in establishing the state’s teen pregnancy prevention program,” and credited her with improving prenatal care and for developing cost-saving procedures for purchasing drugs for Medi-Cal patients.

No successor has been named.
