
VILLA PARK : City Orders Road Job Finished by Sept. 17


Upset over how long it is taking utility and construction companies to finish repairing Loma Street, the City Council has delivered an ultimatum: Get the work done by Sept. 17.

Residents, eager to use the street again, complained that in the preceding two months utility workers had spent only about two hours one morning making repairs.

The council last week gave E.L. Yeager Construction Co., which is contracted with Southern California Edison, until Sept. 17 to open the road whether it is ready or not.


If construction is not complete and someone is hurt while walking, driving or riding down Loma Street, the companies will be held liable for all damages, City Manager Fred Maley said.

Council members were told last month that the work, including the installation of new main valves for water services, removal of a gas main, replacement of a storm drain and paving of the street, would be done by the end of this month.

E.L. Yeager officials said that unexpected problems with the underground utilities arose, making it impossible to open on time.

“We think enough is enough,” City Engineer Arnt G. Quist said.

“It’s a public street,” Maley said. “We could open the road now, but it’s not paved yet, so we’re giving them the time necessary to do it right.”
