
The age-old warning “Don’t play with fire”...

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The age-old warning “Don’t play with fire” will go spectacularly unheeded Monday at Carson’s fourth annual Samoan Heritage Day. A fire-knife dance exhibition, in which dancers twirl knives burning at both ends, is one of many events scheduled for the festival at Scott Park.

Starting at 9 a.m., cultural activities, including basket making, fire making and coconut husking will be demonstrated, with plenty of opportunities for children to take part. About 11 a.m. the ground oven, or umu, will be uncovered, yielding delicacies ranging from pig to a Samoan dish of spinach and coconut milk.

The stage entertainment will start at 12:30 p.m. with a taupou , or dance for young women, in which the winner will be awarded a ceremonial headdress. The fire-knife exhibition, featuring half a dozen dancers, is scheduled to start at 2:45 p.m.


There will also be a talent show for contestants, ranging from a choir to a rap group. And throughout the day, booths will offer food, clothing and novelties for sale.

James Foisia, the director of Scott Park, says Heritage Day is intended to showcase Samoan culture for the public--and for young Samoans. “We’re trying to keep the young in touch with their heritage,” he said.


What: Samoan Heritage Day

When: Monday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Where: Scott Park, 23410 Catskill Ave., Carson

Admission: Free

Information: (310) 830-8310
