
Heidi, Is That You?

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The most attention-getting guest Social Climes has run into on the party circuit recently is a dead-on look-alike for alleged madam of the moment, Heidi Fleiss.

The impersonator, Kyna Rose, dresses in a black pantsuit, gold-chain necklace and, what she calls, “the infamous shades.”

To say that her arrival at a recent rock ‘n’ roll party caused a stir would be an understatement. “I can’t believe the attention you get,” said the faux Heidi. “Her life must be very frantic.”


Since Columbia Pictures has been the studio getting most of the attention in the Heidi affair, one employee joked at the party that Columbia should hire the mimic and “start sending her to Warner Bros. premieres.”

Knead a Massage?

Social Climes hadn’t realized what a varied experience getting a massage has become. It appears to have become a lot more than just having a muscle or two squeezed. What opened our eyes to the new body manipulators was a browse through Massage Therapy Journal. Just some of the types mentioned were:

Stress massage, neuromuscular therapy (“ischemeia, trigger points, nerve entrapment”), traditional massage of Thailand, infant massage, body-mind acupuncture, medical massage, foot reflexology, facial mobilization, visceral manipulation, Russian medical massage, Pfrimmer deep muscle therapy, sports massage, Myofascial massage therapy, Western Myofascial Release, lymphatic and visceral massage, hypnotherapeutic bodywork, prenatal massage, seated massage and musical massage.


‘Sunset’ Madness

What looks to be the biggest-grossing charity event of the fall will be the Nov. 30 preview of “Sunset Boulevard.” Chaired by Barbara Davis and benefiting an array of diabetes organizations, the almost-sold-out affair has already grossed $1.4 million. Which isn’t bad, since “Sunset Boulevard” the 1950 movie grossed less than $5 million.
