
COUNTERPUNCH LETTERS : TV News Loses Another Viewer


Brava to Kitty Felde for her Counterpunch, “Too Much Blood, Too Little Reporting” (Aug. 30). I also have stopped watching TV newscasts because there is nothing there but gore and grime. For a while I watched because of the weather and sports, but now I know what time these segments are one and I can tune in just for them.

Felde and Warren Olney on KCRW-FM’s “Which Way, L.A.?” have shown that a lot of Angelenos want to know more about what makes L.A. work (or not work).

The feeding frenzy over Heidi Fleiss, Michael Jackson and the execution was absolutely disgusting. I can’t count the number of people who have commented on the manner in which these issues were covered.


Perhaps it is necessary to protest every TV station’s application for renewal of its license because stations are not fulfilling their responsibility to the public.


Pacific Palisades
