
WESTLAKE : Hammer to Discuss Economic Issues

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Robert K. Hammer, a 43-year-old investment banker from Newbury Park, plans to discuss economic issues at a press conference today designed to raise his public profile while he considers running for the congressional seat representing Thousand Oaks.

Hammer, who has never run for public office, is one of four Republicans exploring the possibility of a 1994 bid to oppose Democratic Rep. Anthony C. Beilenson (D-Woodland Hills) in the 24th Congressional District. The district extends from Thousand Oaks into the San Fernando Valley and Malibu.

Hammer said he believes Beilenson’s reelection bid is vulnerable to a challenge because he has supported Clinton’s economic plan. Hammer says the Clinton budget is widely unpopular in the district because of its tax policies.


“By voting for the Clinton budget, Congressman Beilenson again voted directly against the interests of his constituents,” Hammer said in a statement. “We need jobs created, not destroyed.”

Still, the GOP activist said if he decides to run he understands that it will be a tough and expensive fight. He estimated it could cost more than $1 million to challenge Beilenson.

“It would be an extremely tough race,” Hammer said. “Beilenson’s been there since the Earth cooled.”


Hammer did not say when he would make a final decision on his candidacy.

Other Republicans who have expressed interest are Richard Sybert, a senior aide to Gov. Pete Wilson and an experienced Los Angeles County Republican activist; Bill Spillane, a Thousand Oaks pilot who finished third in last year’s GOP primary, and Mark B. Benhard, an Agoura planning and political consultant and former aide to ex-Rep. William E. Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton).
