
President’s Desk


* Re “Oval Office Renovation Accents Symbols,” Sept. 4:

I beg to differ with the information given: “Clinton chose to bring back the ‘Resolute’ desk last used by Kennedy.” The desk was given to Rutherford B. Hayes by Queen Victoria in 1880. Every President since Hayes has used this desk except for a 14-year period (1962-1977) when it was on display at the Smithsonian Institution.

Most recently it was used by Presidents Kennedy, Carter and Reagan. A replica of the desk is in the Oval Office replica at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley. I am a docent at the library. Docents who describe the Oval Office to visitors always mention the desk is from the ship Resolute.

Please get the facts straight. We docents at the Reagan library know better!


Thousand Oaks
