
Toddler Pulled From Rubble

<i> Associated Press</i>

For four days, 18-month-old Priyanka Javalge lay trapped under rubble after an earthquake crashed down on her home as she slept. Her parents got out with cuts and bruises, but they gave her up for dead.

She was rescued Monday when her father returned to the village of Manglur from the hospital and asked soldiers to help him look for his daughter’s body. They brought out a wide-eyed little girl, frail but alive.

“By all logical thinking, she should have died,” said Anuj Kumar Ghosh, an army doctor. “It is nothing but a miracle.”


On the night of the quake, Priyanka was lying on the floor and apparently rolled under the cot where her parents were sleeping. She was found under the cot, trapped by stones.
