
Sanitary District Feels Dumped On


For years I have nurtured the ideal of the Los Angeles Times being a superior newspaper with an editorial staff second to none in its objectivity, analytical horsepower and reasoned, clear thinking. But, alas, we have just been victimized by your editorial staff. Your editorial on the Capistrano Beach Sanitary District (“Those Wayward Districts,” Oct. 11), reached new heights of hyperbole by characterizing our billing error in the same light as the ongoing criminal investigation of the Santa Margarita Water District by the FBI, SEC and the D.A.’s office. This shows a gross disregard for the facts.

Further, to state we “operated for years in blithe ignorance” or that this “is another example of small districts run amok” calls into question not only your objectivity and respect for the facts, but your grasp of the English language.

This district shares your concern that we have too many special districts. We are the only special district in South County to have recently initiated and actively pursued consolidation with two other districts. It is for this reason that your exaggerated attack on us is particularly troublesome.



President, Board of Directors

Capistrano Beach Sanitary District
