
Wedding Photos Saved From Flames Await Their Owners


It’s a treasure that Laguna Beach Battalion Chief Joe McClure would love to see returned to its owners.

Firefighters have recovered an undamaged wedding album in the charred rubble of a home somewhere in Laguna Beach or Emerald Bay. The firefighters delivered the album to the Laguna Beach fire command center at El Morro School, but had to rush off before anyone could say where it came from, McClure said.

The album doesn’t contain any names or dates, but indicates that is was put together by Christian Studios of California.


The brown, leather-bound album is trimmed in gold and titled, “Our Love Story.” It is filled with professional color photos of the couple’s wedding, perhaps from the 1970s. The brunette bride is wearing a white gown with a high lace collar, while the red-haired groom is dressed in an all-white tuxedo with white bow tie.

McClure said he has pored over the album, looking for some hint of who the people are or where the wedding took place.

But so far, no leads.

McClure said he will hold onto the album, hoping that someone will recognize it as their own and give him a call. He can be reached at (714) 497-0700.
