
Center’s Mosbo Named to New Position


Philip A. Mosbo, director of theater operations for the Orange County Performing Arts Center, has been named to the new position of managing director of the facility.

Mosbo, 47, takes on many of the duties executed by the center’s former general manager, Judith O’Dea Morr, who retired in September with her husband, former center president Thomas R. Kendrick. Mosbo’s new duties include assisting executive director Tom Tomlinson with all aspects of programming.

As theater operations director, Mosbo, who joined the center in 1985, oversaw backstage and box-office operations and patron relations.


Center officials would not disclose the salary for Mosbo’s new position. Kendrick and Morr had been the second-highest paid arts center administrative team in the nation.

The center continues its search for a managing director for development, another restructured upper management position. Formerly called vice president for development, the post was held by Richard Tripp, who also resigned in September.
