
Notes about your surroundings


Bird Rarities--There has been an unprecedented number of stray migrant bird species from the Southwest spotted in the county this fall, according to the Sea & Sage Chapter of the National Audubon Society.

One of the highlights of this trend was the sighting of a zone-tailed hawk in Laguna Beach. The raptor is a very rare visitor to the coastal canyons and foothills of Southern California during the fall months.

A tropical kingbird spotted near the Seacliff Country Club in Huntington Beach was another rare visitor to the county.


A painted bunting was seen at Huntington Central Park, but it was extremely uncooperative and was viewed by only a few bird watchers.

The most interesting warblers to be spotted this fall to date were two Canada warblers, one at Huntington Central Park and another at Westminster Memorial Park.

A Virginia’s warbler was spotted at Westminster Memorial Park; it was the third report of such a bird this fall. A Lucy’s warbler was seen at William R. Mason Regional Park in Irvine.

Other warblers seen so far include several black-and-white warblers at Huntington Central Park and one at the mouth of the Santa Ana River; a male American redstart at Westminster Memorial Park; a Tennessee warbler at Huntington Central Park; as many as four blackpoll warblers at Huntington Central Park and another at Westminster Memorial Park, and two northern waterthrushes, one at Huntington Central Park and another at the San Juan Creek mouth.

Other highlights at Huntington Central Park included a wood duck, a solitary vireo, at least two rose-breasted grosbeaks and a hairy woodpecker.
