
‘Shadowlands’ Guests Get a Chilly Reception


The Scene: Sunday night at the Mann National Theater in Westwood, where a large crowd gathered for the premiere of “Shadowlands,” starring Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger. The Savoy Pictures release opens in Los Angeles on Dec. 29. (Why would anyone have a film premiere 3 1/2 weeks before the picture opens, you ask? Hopkins won’t be in town later in the month to promote it.) After the screening, guests strolled over to the Armand Hammer Museum, where the obligatory red carpet led to a lavish after-party.

The Buzz: Talk has it that Hopkins and Winger turn in Oscar-worthy performances. Ironically, though, both are in competition with their other performances this year--Winger in “A Dangerous Woman” and Hopkins in “The Remains of the Day.”

Who Was There: Hopkins, Winger and director Sir Richard Attenborough were greeted by Jodie Foster, Earl Holliman, Audrey Landers, Roddy McDowall, Donna Mills, Sydney Pollack, Loretta Swit and Leigh Taylor-Young.


Dress Code: Cold weather screening attire--business wear for the women, jackets and ties for older guys and pricey leather jackets for the pre-boomers.

Chow: Along Came Mary catered a lavish buffet of roast beef, turkey, leg of lamb, shepherd’s pie and salmon. There were also tables with desserts and English tea sandwiches (but no tea).

Unfortunate Food Trend in the Making?: Next to the roast beef sat a basket of what looked like blood-red potato chips. “Try them,” urged a friendly caterer. “They’re beet chips. And if you don’t like them, we have yam chips as well.”

Pastimes: Listening to the string quartet. Watching Hopkins show Foster (his co-star in “Silence of the Lambs”) some Polaroids that made them both laugh. Watching Winger and Hopkins, surrounded by publicists and photographers, move through the party in a flying wedge, having their hands shaken and their backs slapped by hundreds.

Quoted: Winger, who came with her mother, Ruth Winger, introduced her to Hopkins by joking: “Anthony, this is my mom. She really wanted to meet you. OK, Mom. Now are you satisfied?”

Triumphs: What do you do when you’re having an outdoor party on a cold night? On the patio of the museum, not only were there space heaters, but a heated floor to keep guests’ feet warm.


Glitches: Slim star turnout. It’s the risk of holding a premiere on a Sunday night, even when things start at 6:30.
