
City’s Woes and Role of Personal Responsibility


We are becoming a society where “I can’t” outnumbers “I can.” Individual responsibility is dying and our country along with it.

Responsibility is not “OK, it was my fault.” That is shame, regret and blame.

We as a nation and as individuals have let our personal responsibility slip from the level of our forefathers. This lack of responsibility is killing us. If you want to look at what’s wrong with this country right now, don’t look at President Clinton or those other people--look in the mirror.

And the more your responsibility level drops, the more you become affected by the things that others do until you are powerless and can do nothing about anything.


It’s going to get worse. Daily, there is more crime, more drugs--illegal and legal. The justice system is failing, politics is leaning toward corruption, families are breaking up, taxes are going up, and your life is not as happy as it once was.

We have to demand a change, and that can start with demanding an increase in personal responsibility. For if everyone on this planet could handle their own life rationally, we would have a sane world and I would not be in such danger and neither would you.

If we can demand that change there is hope. Real hope. And part of what brings the magic to the holiday season is the hope for tomorrow: for success, friendship, brotherhood, love, mankind.

So I hope for you happy holidays and a responsible New Year.


