
More on Case of the Jogging Women


* This is a response to Frank Messina’s story about the two joggers, Mary Pantoja and Ellen Clinton (“Attack Robs 2 of Right to Run” Dec. 20). As Mary Pantoja’s unselfish and noble actions demonstrate, we must fight criminals by being both willing and capable of intervention. Some of us have stopped burglars and would-be assailants who prey on the women in our communities.

Personal safety cannot be delegated to the police. It is the responsibility of the individual, family, neighborhood, (yes, even strangers), and community (police). The usual responses to criminal violence are unacceptable: nighttime shut-ins, paying insurance premiums, dialing 911, and filling out more damned forms.

Most crime targets are street stupid; their assailants are not. Learning how to recognize potential threats is a teachable skill. The police and others can give would-be victims and targets an edge (early threat recognition, avoidance, responses). Employers and law enforcement agencies can collaborate to make this happen. For the cops, this is the ultimate force multiplier.


If I lived in Mission Viejo, I would offer to jog within sight of Mary and Ellen to ensure their safety, Mission Viejo joggers could invite Mary and Ellen to jog along with them.

Do not let this freak force Mary, Ellen and other female joggers off community jogging paths.

To those drivers who did not stop to a) help these ladies, or b) pursue and capture Ellen’s assailant: Who will stop for you when it’s your turn to be a victim?


Long Beach

* Had either woman possessed that small container of pepper gas specifically made for such events (which can be sold in 48 States of the USA but not California) I doubt if the attack would have happened; or any future attacks, these men being the kind of cowards that they are.

But as long as we strip society of even the simplest means of self-defense we are all prey to the terrorists, crazies, and hostile emotionally unstable nuts who populate our society.


Dana Point
