
No Excuse for Lethargy: Reopen PCH


* It’s a given that the wheels of politics and progress move slowly, unless of course you live in south Orange County, where they don’t move at all.

Case in point, that closed stretch of Pacific Coast Highway that remains buried in dirt from last winter’s mudslide. Any child that has ever played with a Tonka truck knows that with a dump truck, some initiative, and perhaps a little common sense, this problem on PCH could be resolved in a day.

What are we waiting for--the one-year anniversary of its closure? Traffic and businesses are being adversely impacted!


Is there any real excuse for this lethargy? I say, no, none at all.

Now if I am not alone in this thought and there are others like me out there, perhaps jointly we can light a fire under all this bureaucratic gas and get done what should have been done last summer.

Who knows, maybe a volunteer from the railroad will step forward and show these elected salted snails how to move dirt from Point A to Point B.

This slide didn’t hinder the train system more than a day, and they move far less people through this area than those who rely on PCH.

This road should be open to motorists, joggers, bicyclists, and yes, even the morons we put in office to see that these things get done.


San Clemente Hills
