
SMALL BUSINESS : Drug Abuse Is a Costly Habit

Complied by Susan Christian, Times staff writer

Employee drug abuse costs companies billions of dollars a year in decreased productivity, workplace accidents and absenteeism, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

That issue--the effect of drug abuse on a company’s profit margin--will be addressed Feb. 2 at a seminar sponsored by Drug Use is Life Abuse, a nonprofit organization based in Santa Ana. More than 400 business owners and executives are expected to attend the forum, set for 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Red Lion Inn in Costa Mesa.

Speakers will include Orange County Sheriff Brad Gates, who founded the organization six years ago; Joseph A. Pursch, director of the Addiction Institute in Costa Mesa, and Dave Quisling, founder of Drug Prevention Strategies in Santa Ana.


“The main focus of the event will be getting a return on the investment you have in your employees,” said Ted Grumkoski, who manages workplace programs for Drug Use is Life Abuse. “We will discuss everything from pre-employment drug testing to helping an employee who abuses drugs get help.”

Cost of the program is $25, which includes breakfast. For more information, call (714) 567-3900.
