
EPA Politics


* Bravo to The Times for its editorial supporting California in its ongoing battle against the heavy-handed tactics of EPA bureaucrats (“Whatever Happened to Give and Take?” Jan. 24). What is a bit surprising, however, is that The Times failed to mention the very different positions taken on this issue by California legislators. There were 17 House Democrats and one Senate Democrat who, when confronted with the choice of supporting California or Washington, came down squarely on the side of the feds. In fact, Sen. Barbara Boxer, Rep. Henry Waxman, and 16 of their liberal California colleagues wrote to Gov. Pete Wilson demanding that he buckle under to EPA demands, even though that would mean denying California $1 billion in highway funding that is due the state and result in 21,000 lost jobs.

Since this issue surfaced back in May I have authored several letters--co-signed by 17 of my House Republican colleagues--to Administration officials asking that they work with the state to develop an acceptable alternative plan that would avoid the adverse impact of the EPA’s diktat --a position The Times appears now to endorse (better late than never).

I have also introduced legislation, H.R. 3146, to specifically address this problem. My bill would allow California’s inspection and maintenance program to meet the federal Clean Air Act requirements without interference from beltway bureaucrats. To date, not one California Democrat has co-sponsored my bill.


R-Garden Grove
