
Edmiston: Palisades Resident Speaks Out


Your (Jan. 13) article about and extolling Joe Edmiston was sickening. Have you ever heard what he has done to us here in the Pacific Palisades? Let me give you a few examples.

1. There was a beautiful parcel of property on Sunset Boulevard across from Palisades High School that was originally designated to be a junior high school. It would have made a wonderful park and needed play field for our children. This great conservationist has turned it into a paved parking lot--a place to help concentrate further traffic jams and increase car pollution in our area. It is true that those who pay to park there have easier access to get to the canyon where they must now pay to hike. Sort of takes away the joys of nature, doesn’t it?

2. He attempted to take in Marquez Canyon and wanted to sell it to private owners to pay for Fryman Canyon, which is so far away from us that no one in Pacific Palisades would have any benefits from it except to lose the privacy we now enjoy. It is an ideal area for a pocket park that would give our local neighbors a green place where the children could play and have easy access from our homes. We do need a spot so that our children can remember the color green.


3. He wanted to sell the land in Los Liones Canyon (big setback for Joe) to private parties. Had this happened he would have removed a natural gateway to the Santa Monica Mountains and deprived us again of a God-given resource that is rightfully ours. We all bought homes in Pacific Palisades for its natural beauty.


Pacific Palisades
