


Total album and single sales of CDs and cassettes for the week ended Feb. 6, compared to week-ago and year-ago levels, in millions of units sold:

Latest week: Albums: 10.0 Singles: 1.8

Week-ago: Albums: 9.3 Singles: 1.6

Year-ago: Albums: 8.9 Singles: 1.7

Hits Magazine Tip of the Week

It’s not war yet, but battle lines are being drawn. Insiders wonder how MTV will react to Warner Music Group, Sony Software, EMI Music, PolyGram Holding and Ticketmaster launching an interactive music channel. The main question is whether MTV will air videos from its fledgling competitors. Conversely, once the new channel is up and running sometime in 1995, will Warner, Sony, PolyGram and EMI make their music readily available to MTV? Meanwhile, insiders are casting an early pall over the music channel planned by TCI and Bertelsmann Music Group. Some wonder whether the venture is more than a press release.

Note: Hits magazine is a weekly music industry trade publication.

Source: Soundscan Inc.
