
Brown Water Navy


We are approaching the second anniversary of the birth of the Ventura Brown Water Navy.

Again, it is going unheralded. Not a ruffle, not a flourish or drum roll for the only event to focus every major TV network and news magazine on our little town. Where is our sense of history, our civic pride for the February deluge of ’92 that spotlighted the oldest permanent established floating RV park in California?

Where else will you find amphibious motor homes? America’s eyes were riveted, by thunder. The clarion call was bugled nationwide; “Developers. Park your cellular Benz’s here. Our City Council is user-friendly. If we can issue building permits for housing in a riverbed, think of what we can do with beaches at low tide.” Hey, we talk trickle-down economics at flood stage. Never mind how much it costs to protect and save a submersible suburb. We have taxpayers for that.

And a new warning system for the next major storm. First alert will be: “It is raining.” Second warning: “Be patient; helicopters are on the way.” Third announcement: “The Ventura Chamber of Commerce disavows all knowledge of this project.”


Bill Stratton

