
Homeless: Santa Monica’s Record of Care


In regards to the article (Jan. 23) entitled “Camp Santa Monica” I must respond in the following manner.

The city of Santa Monica seems to think that they have done so much for the homeless in their city, yet to date the record seems to say otherwise. To date they have:

1) Barred the homeless from libraries and other public places;

2) Harassed or closed several food lines that were attempting to help the homeless;

3) Passed an ordinance making it illegal to sleep in the park or gather in large numbers;

4) Fired the city attorney, Robert Myers, who wanted to prosecute real criminals instead of the homeless.


With this record, I wonder what they are going to do about the “new” homeless that are in Santa Monica because of the earthquake. These people were their neighbors and friends. Are they going to harass and push them aside, as they have the “old” homeless? Will they receive the help that they need, or will they suffer the same intolerance and disdain that the previous homeless have received?

I believe that the city of Santa Monica needs to find its heart and conscience in dealing with all of the homeless, old or new. The same time and effort that they put into trying to “rid” Santa Monica of the homeless could be used in more constructive and positive endeavors.

The Rev. Terrell L. Garett

Director, Up From The Streets Ministries Los Angeles
