
Wilson’s Most Generous Backer Says He Just Wants GOP in Power


Sam Bamieh says Gov. Pete Wilson is a bit too liberal for his tastes, but you would never know by the way the Bay Area businessman spends his money.

Bamieh last year was Wilson’s most generous contributor, donating $85,000 in two checks to the governor’s reelection campaign committee.

Bamieh (pronounced Bam’-ee-ay) says he is a die-hard Republican and figures that Wilson is the best hope the GOP has of retaining the governor’s office.


“My fondness is for the Republican Party and not for Governor Wilson, and the governor knows it,” Bamieh, 55, said in an interview. “I’d rather see a Republican in office any day before a Democrat. It’s enough that we lost the White House.”

Bamieh in 1992 gave $287,800 to the national Republican Party.

Bamieh, a native of Jerusalem, said he came to California at 17 and attended Sacramento State University, where he earned an MBA. He worked in the finance departments of Varian Associates and Spreckels Sugar Co. before starting his firm, American Intertrade Group, in 1971.

He said his company is an international real estate developer and financial consultant. He declined to reveal the extent of his wealth.

Bamieh said he asks for nothing and expects nothing from Wilson in return for his contributions.

“I do no business for the state of California,” he said. “I’m not looking for any assignment by the governor or for any political position.”

Wilson, he said, would make a “great governor, with some modifications.” For one thing, he said, he wishes that the governor were more conservative on fiscal issues.


Bamieh served briefly this year as finance chairman for the California Republican Party and said he quit after a dispute with the chairman, Tirso del Junco. Bamieh said one reason he gave the money to Wilson was that he has vowed to make no further contributions to the state party as long as Del Junco remains chairman.

“I know the economic freedoms we have in America are what made our country great,” he said. “I want to show my appreciation for my country and put my money where my mouth is.”

He added: “I don’t gamble, I don’t womanize, and I don’t drink. I have had one wife for 30 years and I have two children born in Sacramento. I’m going to retire and die in California. What happens to California affects me and my family.”
