
Santa Clarita / Antelope Valley : Hart District Trustee Resigns After 105 Days


Peter Warren has resigned from the William S. Hart Union High School District 105 days after taking office, ending one of the shortest trustee tenures in the district’s history.

Warren, a civil engineer, told fellow trustees he plans to work for a year as a consultant to a development company in Canada. He notified district officials of his resignation at the end of their regular meeting Wednesday, but did not make a public announcement.

Warren could not be reached for comment.

Trustees have 60 days to fill the vacancy by either special election or appointment. School boards often appoint a new member to avoid the expense of a special election, and whoever fills the post will serve through 1995.


Warren, 36, was elected to the second of three open seats in November, winning 20.2% of the vote. He was the only candidate to support the defeated school voucher initiative. Warren credited his success to anti-incumbent sentiment and voter perception of him as an independent thinker.

During his brief tenure, the district settled the controversial issue of drawing new attendance boundaries to accommodate an additional high school and junior high school this fall.
