
MOORPARK : Brodsky Quits Seat on Planning Panel

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Moorpark Planning Commissioner Steve Brodsky is resigning his post after learning his new job will keep him out of California for the next five months.

“My time on the Planning Commission has been one of the most fulfilling I’ve ever had,” Brodsky said Wednesday. “I helped to draw up an excellent General Plan and spent months working on the new slow-growth ordinance. I’m proud of all that. If I could have stayed on, I would have.”

Brodsky, an electrical engineer with a consulting firm in Moorpark, recently was hired by a Michigan company to develop a hardtop sun roof for a new sports car made by Mitsubishi. He said the work probably would keep him out of California until at least the fall.


He said he hoped a new appointment would be made soon to give his replacement a chance to prepare for some of the bigger projects that will come before the commission in the next couple months.

“It’s going to take a little time for the next person to become familiar with everything,” Brodsky said. “They need as much time as possible to be ready when the bigger projects come before the commission.”

Moorpark Mayor Paul Lawrason said that despite some strong political differences with Brodsky early on, he came to respect Brodsky’s commitment to the job.


“When I made the appointment, we had just gone through a rough election where Steve had supported my opponent,” Lawrason said. “But I think he’s done an outstanding job. The other commissioners have come to depend on his technical expertise. We’ll all miss him.”
