
Championing Case Against Tobacco


* Public interest in the issue of tobacco smoking was best summed up by a student who recently said, “I would think the people who don’t smoke probably don’t care, and people who do smoke don’t want to be told to quit.”

MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) were so outraged that they acted together to significantly reduce the number of deaths on the highways. Yet who is mad enough to stop the No. 1 preventable cause of death today?

Tobacco kills more people than all deaths due to drunk drivers, violent crimes, AIDS and illegal drugs combined!


Close to half a million people die horrible deaths each year due to tobacco-related disease. It would also appear that these “children of all ages” must die alone and without a friend or loved one to mourn their unnecessary death. Half a million people die and no one to wear a ribbon of any color. More than passive smoke, passive people will be the death of us all.


Santa Ana

Jim Walker is a member of Citizens for a Tobacco-Free Santa Ana.
