
Prosecutors to Seek Death Penalty for Suspect in Girl’s Kidnaping and Slaying


Prosecutors announced Friday that they will seek the death penalty for Hooman Ashkan Panah, the Woodland Hills man accused of abducting and murdering an 8-year-old girl whose battered body was found in his closet.

Panah, 22, has pleaded not guilty to seven charges, including murder, kidnaping and sodomy, in the Nov. 20 death of Nicole Parker.

“I’m thrilled because I want him dead,” said Lori Parker, mother of the victim. “If they could fry him next week, I’d push the button.”


The decision to seek Panah’s execution was made by a committee of senior prosecutors, who evaluated the case after reviewing a memo prepared by Deputy Dist. Atty. Peter S. Berman.

Panah’s defense attorney, Robert Sheahen said Friday that the imposition of capital punishment against Panah, whom he called mentally retarded, would be a travesty.

A grand jury also charged Panah with four special-circumstance allegations--murder in conjunction with kidnaping, sodomy, child molestation and oral copulation--each of which makes him eligible for the death penalty.
