
Rescuers Praised


Many thanks and praises to the two young women (in separate cars) who stopped to assist my daughter in her wrecked car on the Simi Valley Freeway, who stayed with her until the ambulance and other rescue personnel arrived. Thanks also to the gentleman who stopped and allowed my daughter to use his car phone to call her husband, and to the rescue and hospital personnel whom we generally take for granted.

Thumbs down to the owner of the late-model Corvette who lost control of his car when entering the freeway, careened through all eastbound lanes to end up completely turned around in the left lane facing and crashing with my daughter’s car. Fortunately, he did not seriously maim or kill anyone. He did not give her his name or telephone number. He moved his car before police arrived; he did not offer to call someone for her on his car phone.

But look at the odds--many more acts of kindness were shown to offset one man’s self-absorption.




