
Owners May Turn In Guns Anonymously

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A monthlong plan allowing gun owners to turn in firearms at any sheriff’s station with no questions asked--and without revealing their identities--began Sunday, and reports were that nine weapons, including two handguns, had been surrendered so far.

Sheriff Sherman Block and County Supervisor Gloria Molina, co-sponsors of the program, said all weapons received will be melted down.

A Sheriff’s Department spokesman said that by early Sunday afternoon, three stations--Lakewood, Industry and West Hollywood--had reported receiving weapons. The Sheriff’s Department has long accepted guns for disposal, but customarily asked the owner’s name. Those wishing to participate in the program are asked to call the sheriff’s station where they plan to go and inform deputies that they are going to turn in a gun. The weapon should be unloaded and locked in the owner’s trunk. At the station, gun owners are asked to let deputies retrieve the weapon rather than bringing it inside themselves.


Anyone unable to unload the bullets from a weapon should call the sheriff’s office. A deputy will be sent out to pick it up. The program lasts through June 8.
