
LA HABRA : City Rejects Request for Flashing Signal

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There will be no flashing yellow light on the north end of Harbor Boulevard here, city officials have decided.

Residents had requested that the city erect a warning signal just north of Arbolita Drive to slow traffic, but they were told it wasn’t needed. City officials did say, however, that they plan to upgrade traffic signals at various other locations on Harbor Boulevard.

The upgrading involves installing larger signal lights that city officials say should be easier for motorists to see.


Residents had complained that motorists frequently run red lights and that the flashing yellow lights would warn of upcoming signals.

The Traffic Commission considered the residents’ request for the flashing beacon, along with a report from the city’s signal-timing consultant, which concluded that there was no need for it. Commissioners agreed with the consultant, denied the request and, following an appeal from the residents, recommended that the council do the same.

The council did so, rejecting the request last week by a unanimous vote.

Mayor David M. Cheverton and other council members said that if the city’s signal improvements do not help to slow traffic, they will consider installing the flashing beacon.
