
VILLA PARK : Drainage System Will Be Inspected


Although Councilman Bob Patchin groused that little, non-industrial Villa Park is an unlikely site for pollution spills, the city is nonetheless obeying a federal law requiring drainage-system inspection.

The City Council on Tuesday night approved a contract that calls for inspection of all underground, city-owned drainage facilities. The contract, which is not to exceed $10,000, is with Orange County government. City Manager Fred W. Maley told the council that county government is the only available agency to perform the inspection.

“This is part of the national policy for discharge elimination systems,” City Engineer Arnt G. Quist told the council. Quist noted that federal law requires inspection of underground drainage systems to prevent pollution.


Patchin said the federal law is really aimed at big, industrial polluters.

“They’re (federal officials) really looking for industrial waste,” Patchin said. He added that Villa Park has no industries that might cause drainage pollution.

Patchin said the federal law’s application to a small, residential community such as Villa Park is “sort of ridiculous.”

But Quist responded that the federally required inspection actually serves a good purpose for Villa Park. “They (the county inspectors) are going to locate any problems we have with our storm drains,” he said. “They’ll locate potential problems we have.”

Quist also assured the council that Villa Park will not get a bum rap for possible drainage pollution that originates in nearby cities. Quist said the drainage inspectors will carefully follow maps, making sure that only Villa Park’s drainage is accounted for.

The council, including Patchin, ultimately gave unanimous approval to the inspection contract.
