
‘90s FAMILY : The Trials of Single Parenthood


What’s Playing: “South Central,” a half-hour drama on the Fox network.


Family Portrait: Joan Mosely is a single mother, raising two teen-age children and a young, troubled foster son.


Backstory: Joan maintains a close and loving family despite the obstacles of life in a sometimes tough neighborhood. She has overcome unemployment and now works at a neighborhood food co-op. But there is a hole in Joan’s life: Stung by one failed relationship, she hasn’t been close to a man for five years.


Fuse Time: At a party, Joan finds herself attracted to Isaiah, a contractor she knows from work. When Isaiah agrees to check the earthquake cracks in her bedroom, the visit turns into soft talk, embraces and passionate kissing. Enter--unannounced--Joan’s daughter, Tasha, who recoils in anger and confusion. Joan’s son, Andre, is equally appalled. Joan lashes back at their criticism.



Telling Quote: “You all would like it just fine if I dried up and never dated again,” Joan shouts at the two. “Well, it’s not going to happen.” And yet, Joan tells Isaiah that she won’t see him until things are calm at home.


Prescription Pad: In a perfect world, Joan would have prepared her kids for this massive change in her life, said Vikki S. Helperin, a retired clinical psychologist. “The fact that things have been this way for five years gave them the idea that’s the way it always would be,” she said. “Once a mother has been in charge of the kids solely, anyone seems like an intruder and an interloper. The idea of their mother dividing her love is intolerable. It makes them feel insecure.”

That doesn’t mean Joan should swear off men, however. “It’s time for her to take care of her,” Helperin said. But she applauded Joan’s decision to throttle down the fast-moving relationship. Things were moving too fast. “Not just for the kids, but for her,” she said.

* Media Monitor examines the family issues raised in current films, books and television shows. It appears on the ‘90s Family page.
