
Where Companies Can Learn More

From Associated Press

Some resources for companies considering programs to help employees take adequate care of their school-age children:

Work-Family Directions, a Boston consulting group that has helped put together the American Business Collaboration for Quality Dependent Care, an initiative of companies nationwide pooling resources. (800) 253-5264, Ext. 4283.

The School-Age Child Care Project at Wellesley College. An advocacy group that helps promote quality care for school-age children while parents are at work. Michelle Seligson, director. (617) 283-2554.


Educational Publishing Group. Started in 1990 to fill the chasm between infant-toddler care and elder care. Jonathan Carson, president. (617) 542-6500.

John Hancock Financial Services. The company was among the pioneers in implementing programs on the job site for school-age children during vacations. Kathy Hazzard is director of work-family programs for the company. (617) 572-6000.

AT&T; Corp. Deborah Stahl, director of the Family Care Development Fund at AT&T;, another pioneer in helping its employees with child care. (201) 898-2228.
