
Fullerton : Public Hearings to Be Held on City Budget


City Council members will hold public hearings today and Tuesday on the proposed $81.2-million 1994-95 city budget.

Residents are invited to attend the hearings, which will take place at City Hall at 3:30 and 7:30 p.m. on both days.

The proposed budget calls for continued downsizing of city staff and operations, with about 20 positions proposed for elimination, city officials said.


The budget, however, was prepared prior to the recall last week of a majority of the City Council, which had increased taxes last year. It is anticipated that further cuts will be needed to balance the budget once they are out of office.

Mayor A.B. (Buck) Catlin and council members Molly McClanahan and Don Bankhead were recalled over their support of a 2% utility tax, which brings in about $3 million in revenue annually.

Recall proponents said they are working on getting people who are committed to repealing the tax elected to take over the three officials’ posts. Should the tax be eliminated, it is unknown how the city would cover the shortfall. But officials said more job and program cuts would be likely.

During today’s budget hearings, money spent by the offices of the council, the city manager, the city clerk, the city attorney, finance, personnel, library, airport and community services, as well as fire and police departments will be scrutinized. On Tuesday, the council will review the development services, engineering, redevelopment and maintenance services departments and capital improvements program’s budgets.

Copies of the budget are available for review in the city clerk’s office and the finance department office, both at City Hall, and in the Fullerton Public Library and Hunt Branch Library.
