
Werewolves of Filmdom


AHHAHOOOOO !! Susan King’s omission of my TV series from her list on werewolves has wounded me like a rusty trap (“Howling Through the Ages,” June 12)!

Although I am not a werewolf, I have an affinity for them. For I was Lucan, the boy raised by wolves, in the 1977-79 ABC series of that name.

Before sinking my fangs into my paw for being slighted, may I say I would have enjoyed being on her list!



Van Nuys


In your list of werewolf films, you neglected to list the funniest horror film ever produced: “Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein.”

In this 1948 Universal classic, Lon Chaney Jr. once more portrays doomed Lawrence Talbot, who tries to warn the boys about his reaction to a full moon: “You see, in a half-hour the moon will rise and I’ll turn into a wolf.”

“Yeah, you and 30 million other guys,” Costello quips.

Need I write more?


Dana Point
