
Unocal Board OKs Reorganization


Unocal Corp.’s board on Monday approved a major management reorganization designed to refocus the company on its strategic plans, including the formation of a new 76 Products Co. to handle its West Coast refining and marketing operations.

Roger Beach, who became Unocal’s chief executive on May 1, will head a new office of the chief executive. Joining him will be John Imle Jr., formerly president of Unocal’s energy services division, as president of the company, and Neal Schmale, formerly president of the petroleum products and chemicals division, as chief financial officer. Lawrence Higby, formerly executive vice president of marketing at the Los Angeles Times, will become president of 76 Products Co.

“Unocal’s new organization focuses on achieving excellence in three critical areas--operations, growth and finance--instead of along business lines,” Beach said. “We must excel in all of these areas in order to compete successfully in the future.”


The changes take effect July 1.

Bill Sanderson, a senior principal with Purvin & Gertz Inc., a refining consulting firm in Long Beach, said the reorganization is part of the natural progression of West Coast oil companies that have consolidated their operations here and spun off holdings in other parts of the country.

“This is an interesting and novel way to allow people to focus on areas of particular importance,” Sanderson said. “It sounds like a pretty good idea.”
