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OC High asks: What’s the most annoying thing about your parents?

“They recite old movies and sing songs in restaurants, loud enough for us to get thrown out.”

Senior, 17

Huntington Beach


“They are constantly nagging me. They nag about homework. They nag about doing chores. They nag about everything.”

Sophomore, 15

Los Alamitos


“When they tell me to do something, then complain about how I did it!”

Junior, 16



“My mom makes me out to be a loser, and my dad tries to make me the president.”

Junior, 17

Capistrano Valley


“They just don’t understand that a $10-a-week allowance doesn’t pay for lunch, supplies and gasoline.”


Sophomore, 16

Los Amigos


“They think they know everything, and they don’t give you enough privacy.”


Trabucco Hills


“My parents are constantly fighting. It seems like they can never agree on anything, and I think that they just stay together for our sake.”

Junior, 16



“They force me into indentured servitude at their business.”

Junior, 16



“They persist on reminding me that I need to do something. They must tell me one thing a thousand times.”

Freshman, 15

Fountain Valley


“They are too afraid to let me go because of all these movies about rebellious kids.”

Senior, 17

Huntington Beach


“My parents are too overprotective. They can’t seem to realize that I’m almost an adult, and I’ll soon be on my own. Hopefully, when I go to college they’ll loosen up.”


Senior, 17



“They are always asking me questions, especially when I go somewhere, like where I’m going, who I’m going with, stuff like that.”

Sophomore, 16



“That they gave birth to my little sister.”

Sophomore, 16



“They contradict themselves a lot, and when they say yes about something one minute, it is different another minute.”

Junior, 17



“My parents make a point of arguing over the stupidest things. They do this in public or private, at basically any time. They act like children and need to be separated to keep the peace.”


Junior, 16

Villa Park


“My parents always try way too hard to be parents. They tell me what they think I want to hear, because they think I’m too naive to see through the phony mask they put on for their friends and relatives. They pretend that they know exactly what I’m all about so that they’ll look like good parents.”

Junior, 17



“My parents don’t approve of my boyfriend and constantly put him down. They refuse to even try to get to know him, and it’s really starting to cause problems between us.”

Sophomore, 15

Ocean View


“They say one thing and always do the other.”

Senior, 17

Capistrano Valley


“My parents are stuck in the ‘50s--really strict and expect me to be perfect!”

Junior, 17



“What isn’t annoying about my parents? That’s the question.”

Freshman, 14



“They don’t give enough respect, and they don’t see things from our point of view.”

Sophomore, 16

Los Amigos


“They never let me explain myself.”

Junior, 16

Trabucco HIlls


“My dad treats me like a little girl.”

Senior, 18



“Their inability to realize that I am growing up.”

Junior, 17

Fountain Valley


“That my dad won’t pay for my college expenses, and that they’re my parents.”

Senior, 18



“It annoys me that sometimes they abuse their children and act like nothing happened.”

Senior, 18



“The most annoying thing about my mom is when she thinks she knows all about my life but really she knows absolutely nothing about what I’m doing.”

Junior, 16



“The constant pressure to get my homework done when I’m mature and responsible enough to do it on my own.”

Senior, 18

Ocean View


“When they get nosy and nag me about everything.”

Sophomore, 15

Los Alamitos


“They always nag me about my homework and grades. Nothing I do ever meets up to their high expectations.”

Senior, 18



“They ask me every five minutes, ‘Is your homework done?’ ”

Sophomore, 16

Villa Park


“Trying to convince my mom to think in another way. Even if she is completely wrong, she’ll still say the same thing.”


Junior, 17

Sunny Hills


“My parents think that they’re more powerful than I am.”

Junior, 16



“They are nosy. They’re always asking me a million questions whenever I go anywhere. I guess they’re just looking out for me, but it still gets on my nerves.”

Sophomore, 15

