
Brave Woman Without Workshops

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Barbara Graham’s book “Women Who Run with the Poodles” had me roaring out loud (“Fed Up With Your Inner Child?” July 11).

These days it’s a brave woman who thinks she’s perfectly capable of living without going to past-life workshops or paying huge therapy bills to find someone else to blame for her problems. Graham’s tweaking at the pomposities of the New Age and feminist movements is a breath of fresh air for people fed up with all the inane psychobabble.

Clarissa Estes, author of “Women Who Run With the Wolves,” and other feminist authors who objected to HarperCollins’ publishing of Graham’s book reinforce the stereotype that feminists are all humorless fanatics who quell anyone in the ranks who disagrees with them.


If we’re not allowed to laugh at ourselves, that means all the laughter will come from people like Rush Limbaugh.


Rancho Palos Verdes
