
Our Public Places : Ojai Valley Trail: Creating A Non-Car Commuter Road


‘The big difference about the Ojai Valley Trail is that it addresses both transportation and recreation; it’s a real multiple use trail that accommodates anything non motorized:bicycles, pedestrians, skateboards, wheelchairs, rollerblades, and horses. It’s become a national model. We’re looking at it as the first leg of a commuter route from Ojai to Ventura, which makes the extension eligible for state transportation money. Air quality in Ventura County is not up to federal standards, so we have to get rid of cars. The problem is people commuting to work when they have less than five miles to go. We’re setting up a multimodal system for the county so you can ride the first five miles on your bicycle and then you can hop on mass transit.’

--Ron Blakemore, Regional Trail & Pathways Program, County of Ventura

The Ojai Valley Trail runs along an abandoned railroad right-of-way 9.5 miles from Foster Park. It’s 20 feet wide, with 10 feet paved and 10 more feet of wood chip and dirt for horses, separated by a rail fence. It provides a safe alternate route to Highway 33. The County of Ventura completed the trail in 1989 and the trail pays for itself from underground utility leases.

Now the Ventura County Transportation Commission is working on acquisition of 37 1/2 miles of rail corridor to develop a new trail geared toward commuter use. This includes the 5.8-mile Ventura River Trail, which will connect the Ojai Valley Trail to the Omer Rains Trail along the beach. By looking at the trail as a commuter route, new sources of funding have been secured for alleviating traffic congestion and improving air quality. The trail will cost about $750,000 per mile to acquire and develop, but it’s expected to generate revenue by increasing tourism to downtown Ventura.



Public Places columnist JANE SPILLER welcomes suggestions for favorite places that are publicly accessible and free. Contact her c/o Voices.
