
PLATFORM : Do the Possible


The EPA plans to foist a document known as the Federal Implementation Plan on California, which will cost our economy $100 billion. The Los Angeles, Ventura and Sacramento air basins will bear the heaviest burdens, but there will be severe impacts across the state.

The EPA is attempting to recruit regulators and private-sector experts to devise alternative emission-reduction strategies that “we can live with.” But these attempts to find economically acceptable, alternative emission-reduction strategies are futile; the standards are too strict, and the EPA has already exhausted every emission source.

Proposals the EPA is considering include the reformulation of products that emit vapors into the air--even roll-on deodorant. It wants truckers who make multiple stops in Southern California to buy an engine that does not yet exist.


Our organization, with more than 1,500 members, needs help from the President, Congress and our state government. The Clean Air Act (state and federal) must be revisited.
